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Everyone Knows That Winning is Success
No doubt you have heard of a win-win situation where every party feels some degree of success. A win-win situation or win-win result is described when a conflict is resolved by both parties getting at least part of their original objective while conceding to something in the other parties’ point. It is thought of as an agreement. It is an agreement that while you did not get everything you originally wanted, you kept an open mind to see some benefits of the other person’s point and you were successful in getting them to see at least part of your side. This allows for both sides to gain and not feel as though they conceded and lost everything. In short, everybody wins. A good goal is for everyone to compromise but get some success from the final result.
For example, there are business opportunities where two competing resolutions to a problem must settle on a course and agree on how to proceed. The same situation arises in our home and family life where everyone must state their opinion on how things could be resolved, but there are divergent opinions, and someone must make the final decision. Normally everyone is competing to get their point across, and everyone wants to get the most out of a negotiation. It is only when you agree to some type of mediation or agree to have a discussion bent on coming out of it with a solution that you find people willing to accept a win-win.
Steven Covey says in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”. It is not until you agree to listen to the other person that you can agree to find a compromise or be willing to engage in finding a win-win situation. In a perfect world, both parties come out of the discussion with their most important points winning. Both parties have learned the art of compromise and to see another’s viewpoint. They have entered a cooperative area where they are looking for the solution to be mutually beneficial and yet not have to give up their key desires. Completely understanding all points of view and favoring the best resolution instead of getting your way is one definition of a win-win.
Steven Covey says in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”. It is not until you agree to listen to the other person that you can agree to find a compromise or be willing to engage in finding a win-win situation. In a perfect world, both parties come out of the discussion with their most important points winning. Both parties have learned the art of compromise and to see another’s viewpoint. They have entered a cooperative area where they are looking for the solution to be mutually beneficial and yet not have to give up their key desires. Completely understanding all points of view and favoring the best resolution instead of getting your way is one definition of a win-win.
I have facilitated discussions where the opposing parties did not even seek to understand the other’s position and then found that the other person's opinion was not that disagreeable once they did understand it. Through a thorough discussion, you have the opportunity to hear what your opinion sounds like when spoken out loud and that allows you to hear someone else’s perspective of how to make something work out. The goal is to ensure each side comes away with an acceptable outcome and can walk away with the satisfaction that they did “win” in part.
Coming to a win-win solution involves collaboration. It involves not only thinking through your perspective clearly but putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and imagining the other side’s perspective. The goal is to learn to be flexible and allow yourself to be open to how the use of cooperation to win over fighting it out endlessly. The more stubborn, obstinate or competitive person will insist in coming out of a discussion with a win-lose scenario, but open-minded people find happiness in at least having a “small win” and seeing others satisfied with their “small win.”
Success is feeling happiness and satisfaction even during negotiations and compromise. It is satisfying when you come out of a conflict, dispute or discussion feeling like you got a win.
Now, let’s talk about win-win-win. During these conversations and debates, does it ever come up that you must also satisfy an outside entity to get a win, not just the two opposing parties? If you are looking for an outside win, think of how your final resolution impacts others. The most obvious example is the environment. Can you come away with some level of satisfaction for both parties, but also see the win for someone or something else? Perhaps it is something bigger that can be improved such as the community. That is the challenge for a win-win-win – success for all impacted.
Have you had a Win-Win-Win Discussion? At Home? At Work? Comment below.
Joy Harris
Success Coach
You Define Success
#Negotiation, #Compromise, #HolisticSuccess, #Success Coach Joy, #Writer, #Author, #Weath
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