Monday, February 11, 2019



I talk a lot about what makes people feel successful.  It comes up with every client that we all start out with dreams when we are young, but many times life gets in the way. 

Today is my day to feel successful.  I see my name in print as a contributor to the book "What We Love" and it shows me that I can write and demonstrate follow through.  It helps me to “feel” successful and know that I can accomplish any goal I sent out to complete.

Much of my past is filled with writing.  I spent over a decade editing newsletters for professional organizations.  I wrote and edited many articles and essays for empowering women.  I learned there are so many women who write for fun.  It starts with diary writing and moves to journal writing.  There are paper journals and journals you can keep in an online journal which can be kept private or shared with the world.

Writing can be personal or educational, entertaining or delight your imagination.  Whether you intend to write for the public or not, it is a successful feeling to see your book in print.

There are many reasons to write.  Clients are asked to write out their dreams, their feelings and the goals in the process of taking an amazing journey and feeling successful.  During the process of writing, it generally comes up that they like to write.  Sometimes they want to do more of it.  I truly believe that everyone has a book in them, they just need to get it out.

For those who know they have a book in them, they will need to determine what they want out of becoming an author, they need to find their “why”.  Everyone needs to know the real reason they wanted to write.  There are answers from everything to “I just want to document a part of our family’s story and I will be satisfied if only those close to me ever read it” to “I want to become famous and sell millions of books or make it a part of a series”.  No matter what your “why” is this is the time to make those dreams come true.  
Steps to Success
Writing starts with pen on paper on day one or keys on the keyboard.  Once you have decided to write, you just get to writing.

“You can’t edit a blank page”

Order "What We Love" from Amazon and find my article entitled “Love is the Answer!”.  Leave a review on Amazon and comment below to let me know you were here!

Joy Harris
Success Coach
You Define Success

#Book Review, #What We Love, #Success Coach Joy, #Writer, #Author,  #Happiness 

Copyright © 2019

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