March 02, 2019 in Essay
How will I know when I have made it to the other side of the rainbow, some days I just feel like giving up? Ever been there? Have you ever wondered “Where the Hell is That Rainbow!”
Sunset in Kentucky |
Many of us know the feeling of “hitting a wall” and you wonder what the best way is to get past them. I can tell you from experience that there will always be walls and there will always be a way to get past, over or around them.
One way people think of getting past their challenges is to take a break. They think that getting away and changing direction is the best course of action. Only you can know when it is necessary to make a big change, but there is something to say about not giving up.
You need to be consistent with your writing and loyal to your audience. When you think the answer is to leave, you will find that your problems just go with you or they are still there are there when you get back.
What works best is to push past the blocks and simply write. There will be times when the words write themselves and magically appear on the page and you end up with satisfaction, but when you are discouraged or too chaotic to write, that’s when you should sit yourself down and do some free writing. Just let it flow out. Get into it with the mindset that you may throw away the first few minutes of writing, but you need to start by putting pen to paper or fingers on the keyboard. Then allow yourself to be amazed at what starts coming out. Maybe it is a short blog post or some characters who want to be part of your storyline. Anything is possible.
Look at it this way. If you are a writer, author or an author wannabe, you are also a business owner. Yes, you are in the business of writing for an audience, keeping the attention of your audience and giving your fans what they crave. You must learn to think like a business owner, besides being a writer, you must sell yourself and learn to get to know your audience and get your work noticed. Even writers with large advances or book deals need to stay focused on writing content that will continue to delight their fans.
Success Coach Joy Writers Program |
Four solid facts to get to the other side of the rainbow for writers.
1. Stay committed to your writing. don’t completely change directions. Go past the grind phase; stick with it. You can completely overcome any blocks by writing. You can create success with consistency. Just keep writing.
2. Innovate to get better results. Offer your audience something that goes along with your book such as a writing group, writing coaching or even book review barters. Anything you can do to keep your name and message in front of your target audience is something else you can use to build your fan base. Add a short story or e-book with information which will educate as well as entertain your offerings so your fans can meet you and find out about your full body of work.
3. Mastermind with others. Find a way to communicate with other writers, published authors or wannabees. Attend book signings locally or attend book launches online.
Start a book discussion club to find out what your target audience wants and needs. Pay attention to what other authors and writers are doing. Authors today are marketing and pre-selling even before their book is finished. You will find creative ways of reaching your audience and possibly find collaboration with other authors.
4. Meditation or Visualizing Your Success. I’ve done it again, I cannot write an article without mentioning the benefit of quiet reflection, spending time in nature or taking the time to visualize the people you can help with your writing. Visualize what your life will be like when you hold your completed book in your hands and are selling it on Amazon and at your local bookstore. It only takes a few minutes to visualize success.
Now, about that vacation to the other side of the rainbow?
Ohio Sunset |
I love to work with writing clients who describe “why” they want to write and why they want to be a published author.
There are people who are driven to write and must write for a variety of reasons. But, if you are looking at writing as a career, you probably have figured that you can pick up your supplies, paper or laptop, and write anywhere. You can write on the road while offering book signings or write while sightseeing or visiting family.
Since that is true, don’t think of the other side of the rainbow as a destination to get to someday. Don’t think of it as a distraction to help you get away and come back fresh. Think of the other side of the rainbow as somewhere you go during some part of every day. It is the “me time” all of us deserve. It might be a trip and a well-deserved “getaway” or “vacation” but remember that you are a writer no matter where you are.
When you are doing what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Work feels like play.
So, take that vacation whenever you are ready. Spend some time in a different part of the country, or a different country, but remember that taking a trip can be as simple as an afternoon on your deck or the park or can be as complex as a cruise and a visit to a foreign land. Remember, the prize is to enjoy the journey and not become focused on the destination as the only thing that will bring you satisfaction.
By Joy Harris
Website- https://successcoachjoy.blogspot.com
Facebook URL- https://www.facebook.com/joy.harris.successccoach
Tags: Inspiration, Other Side of the Rainbow