Wednesday, January 30, 2019

HAPPINESS: Success, is there enough for me?

SUCCESS.  There is no lack of success.

How do you define success?  Truth is, success is different for every person.  Everyone must define success for themselves and set about believing that they will achieve it. 

The Sky's Not Even the Limit

I have worked with women who defined success as:
  1. Find someone, leave someone, tell someone, ghost someone … find love
  2. Start or Finish the book they know is inside them … release creativity
  3. Get a job, get a better job, start a project … make more money

Everyone is on an amazing life’s journey to success.  There is no shortage of success.  There is plenty there for everyone.  It is not uncommon for someone to tell you about their journey of discovery or self-improvement efforts to meet their goals.   There are weight loss goals, anger management, career goals and hundreds of personal development and financial goals that help to make people feel successful. 

I have coached busy women for years who realize they must take time out for themselves to improve their situation. 

Step one is making time to think through what success means to you and then allowing that to happen.

I’ll bet you thought I was going to say that once you define what success means, you then need to map out the strategy and exact steps to get there.

Yes, that is one thing that life coaches and coaching programs offer, but my experience tells me that once you know what you really desire and what success looks like to you, it is time to relax, reflect and let success in.  Allow it.  Believe it.  Know you deserve it.

Many are held back by not believing they deserve success.  It’s OK that we have times of doubt, but so many people deflect their success with negative thoughts and feelings.  No matter how you define success you must believe that you deserve it.

My blooming Christmas Cactus
There is no secret that it is a good idea to follow a plan to get to where you want to go but be aware that a lot of time needs to be spent determining if you are ready for success. 

Believe that you can live your dreams and success will find you. 

My approach is to take time to define what you want and then allow it.  Then take strategic steps.  

Baby steps are may be necessary.  Taking time to celebrate even the small wins is mandatory.  Be assured that if anyone, anywhere has been able to achieve success, you can too. 

Once you believe and do not hold yourself back, you’ll be surprised at how easily you move through the steps to success.  The sky is not even the limit.

Joy Harris
Just For Fun
Success Coach
You Define Success

#WEALTH #Success #SuccessCoachJoy #LiveYourDreams #BelieveinYourself

Copyright © 2019

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